How do I Say and Write
"Stability" in Spanish?

Earth Fluent Spanish Nouns - Society, Part 93 Stability

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How do I Say "Stability" in Spanish?

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How do I Write "Stability" in Spanish?

"Stability" in Spanish : Estabilidad

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Pronunciation : Sta*bil"i*ty
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [L. stabilitas; cf. F. stabilit?. See Stable, a.]
Definition : 1. The state or quality of being stable, or firm; steadiness; firmness; strength to stand without being moved or overthrown; as, the stability of a structure; the stability of a throne or a constitution.

2. Steadiness or firmness of character, firmness of resolution or purpose; the quality opposite to Ant: fickleness, Ant: irresolution, or Ant: inconstancy; constancy; steadfastness; as, a man of little stability, or of unusual stability.

3. Fixedness; -- as opposed to Ant: fluidity. Since fluidness and stability are contary qualities. Boyle.

Syn. -- Steadiness; stableness; constancy; immovability; firmness.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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Words Covered : Stability, interior, statute, taxi.


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July 02, 2017 01:54:19 :
Stability -- Added.



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