Earth Fluent : Teaching Languages to the World

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Earth Fluent Mission :

Want to communicate with anyone else on the planet? Want to be able to exchange the inner parts of your heart and soul with any kindred spirit? Well, today, your problems are likely social, and not technological. You just need to speak the right language to be heard!

At EarthFluent, that is the only goal: giving you the tools you need to educate yourself and learn any of a dozen languages. These tools are visual and auditory, based on the written word and on the spoken word. You can learn by listening to phrases, testing phrases out with a microphone, taking quizzes of any number of words or lessons, playing crossword puzzles and other games, or by communicating with others in the comments section. The ways you can learn ought to be as infinite as the diversity of human beings. We are not here to mold you into this student or that student, we are here to do one thing: to teach you to speak, write, and communicate in another language. That is EarthFluent.

There are two goals that are being satisfied here: bringing people together in a way that mutually benefits all participants, and providing all of the technology necessary to make self-learning of a global-scale possible. We cannot give you the speakers, but we will give you audio clips of phrases; we cannot give you a microphone, but we will test your microphone output against expected accent and language patterns; we cannot give you Internet access, but we can give you a Google Image Search-based quiz game to test out your language memory. If you give us the energy, we will you give you the knowledge. This service is devoted to being free and completely accessible. (There is even a GitHub project!)

Where do you want to go? Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, North America, or Australia? Check out a language, become educated in it, and you will fit in perfectly among the locals!




Earth Fluent Tech :

So, how does this actually all work? With so many commercial products available for teaching, and many of them offering fewer lessons, how can we this be done for free? And still be both worth-while, as a personal experience, and accurate, in a linguistic and academic sense? The answers are easier than you would think.

Listening to Audio : This is actually composed using the SpeechSynthesis API provided in HTML5. Nothing magical here, just a web specification that has been worked over for a decade by thousands of inter-industry professionals. This API currently supports 14 languages in multiple dialects, with more added regularly.

Testing Speaking on Microphone : Again, this is just another part of the HTML5 specification, in this case, the SpeechRecognition API. It, too, is maintained and designed by professionals.

Image-Based Quizzes : This is a combination of the above technologies, and Google Image Search API. The images being displayed for a word being quizzed are from these image searches. That means you are dealing with fresh, regularly-used images that people actually use, whereas commercial products tend to have very stale, outdated stockphotos, of little value or interest to learners.

So, exactly what does this all mean for us? We use popular, well-maintained, and well-used technologies. The audio voice you hear when listening to French, that is the same voice as a cellphone in Paris would use in speaking to its user (because Android and iPhone dutifully use the HTML5 specs).

What does that mean for every other language-learning product? It means that they are maintained by boring, uninterested grammarians, locked away in their Latin and ancient-Greek halls of learning, without any linguistic connection to the living language of any people on the planet! A commercial enterprise can hardly afford more than a handful of researchers -- the tools above, in audio and voice and image, are worked on by millions of hands! Think of the engineers at Google to the HTML5 spec-writers to international standards-creators. Compare how many hands work in the technologies of our product, and compare it to the leading market products, and there are one million minds behind the tech here for every one mind they employ!

And, of course, we are open-source! is built using the Green Gluon CMS, a content-management system designed for power, speed, and scalability.

This technology, using PHP7 and MySQL5, provides all of the functionality of this website. Check us out on GitHub!




Earth Fluent Examples :

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Earth Fluent Uses :

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Earth Fluent History : was created and launched on April 7, 2017. Since then, we have been teaching anything and everything we know about language!


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