How do I Say and Write
"Taxation" in Spanish?

Earth Fluent Spanish Nouns - Society, Part 88 Taxation

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How do I Say "Taxation" in Spanish?

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How do I Write "Taxation" in Spanish?

"Taxation" in Spanish : Impuestos

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Pronunciation : Tax*a"tion
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [F. taxation, L. taxatio a valuing, estimation, from L. taxare. See Tax.]
Definition : 1. The act of laying a tax, or of imposing taxes, as on the subjects of a state, by government, or on the members of a corporation or company, by the proper authority; the raising of revenue; also, a system of raising revenue.

2. (Law)

Defn: The act of taxing, or assessing a bill of cost.

3. Tax; sum imposed. [R.] Daniel.

4. Charge; accusation. [Obs.] Shak.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 02, 2017 01:40:28 :
Taxation -- Added.



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