How do I Say and Write
"Memorial" in Spanish?

Earth Fluent Spanish Nouns - Places, Part 36 Memorial

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How do I Say "Memorial" in Spanish?

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How do I Write "Memorial" in Spanish?

"Memorial" in Spanish : Memorial

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Pronunciation : Me*mo"ri*al
Part of Speech : a.
Etymology : [F. m?morial, L. memorialis, fr. memoria. See Memory.]
Definition : 1. Serving to preserve remembrance; commemorative; as, a memorial building. There high in air, memorial of my name, Fix the smooth oar, and bid me live to fame. Pope.

2. Contained in memory; as, a memorial possession.

3. Mnemonic; assisting the memory. This succession of Aspirate, Soft, and Hard, may be expressed by the memorial word ASH. Skeat. Memorial Day. Same as Decoration Day. [U.S.]
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Me*mo"ri*al
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [Cf. F. m?morial.]
Definition : 1. Anything intended to preserve the memory of a person or event; something which serves to keep something else in remembrance; a monument. Macaulay. Churches have names; some as memorials of peace, some of wisdom, some in memory of the Trinity itself. Hooker.

2. A memorandum; a record. [Obs. or R.] Hayward.

3. A written representation of facts, addressed to the government, or to some branch of it, or to a society, etc., -- often accompanied with a petition.

4. Memory; remembrance. [Obs.] Precious is the memorial of the just. Evelyn.

5. (Diplomacy)

Defn: A species of informal state paper, much used in negotiation.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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Words Covered : Memorial, headquarters, labor hall, grave.


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Words Covered : Memorial, headquarters, labor hall, grave.

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July 02, 2017 06:36:04 :
Memorial -- Added.



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