How do I Say and Write
"Shape" in Spanish?

Earth Fluent Spanish Nouns - Measurements, Part 19 Shape

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"Shape" in Spanish : Forma

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Pronunciation : Shape
Part of Speech : v.
Etymology : [OE. shapen, schapen, AS. sceapian. The p. p. shapen is from the strong verb, AS. scieppan, scyppan, sceppan, p. p. sceapen. See Shape, n.]
Definition : 1. To form or create; especially, to mold or make into a particular form; to give proper form or figure to. I was shapen in iniquity. Ps. li. 5. Grace shaped her limbs, and beauty decked her face. Prior.

2. To adapt to a purpose; to regulate; to adjust; to direct; as, to shape the course of a vessel. To the stream, when neither friends, nor force, Nor spead nor art avail, he shapes his course. Denham. Charmed by their eyes, their manners I acqire, And shape my foolishness to their desire. Prior.

3. To image; to conceive; to body forth. Oft my jealousy Shapes faults that are not. Shak.

4. To design; to prepare; to plan; to arrange. When shapen was all this conspiracy, From point to point. Chaucer. Shaping machine. (Mach.) Same as Shaper. -- To shape one's self, to prepare; to make ready. [Obs.] I will early shape me therefor. Chaucer.

t. [imp. Shaped; p. p. Shaped or Shapen; p. pr. & vb. n. Shaping.]
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Shape
Part of Speech : v.
Definition : Defn: To suit; to be adjusted or conformable. [R.] Shak.

Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Shape
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [OE. shap, schap, AS. sceap in gesceap creation, creature, fr. the root of scieppan, scyppan, sceppan, to shape, to do, to effect; akin to OS. giskeppian, OFries. skeppa, D. scheppen, G. schaffen, OHG. scaffan, scepfen, skeffen, Icer. skapa, skepja, Dan.
Definition : 1. Character or construction of a thing as determining its external appearance; outward aspect; make; figure; form; guise; as, the shape of a tree; the shape of the head; an elegant shape. He beat me grievously, in the shape of a woman. Shak.

2. That which has form or figure; a figure; an appearance; a being. Before the gates three sat, On either side, a formidable shape. Milton.

3. A model; a pattern; a mold.

4. Form of embodiment, as in words; form, as of thought or conception; concrete embodiment or example, as of some quality. Milton.

5. Dress for disguise; guise. [Obs.] Look better on this virgin, and consider This Persian shape laid by, and she appearing In a Greekish dress. Messinger.

6. (Iron Manuf.) (a) A rolled or hammered piece, as a bar, beam, angle iron, etc., having a cross section different from merchant bar. (b) A piece which has been roughly forged nearly to the form it will receive when completely forged or fitted. To take shape, to assume a definite form.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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