How do I Say and Write
"Majority" in Russian?

Earth Fluent Russian Nouns - Society, Part 24 Majority

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How do I Say "Majority" in Russian?

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How do I Write "Majority" in Russian?

"Majority" in Russian : Большинство

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Pronunciation : Ma*jor"i*ty
Part of Speech : n.;
Etymology : [F. majorit?. See Major.]
Definition : 1. The quality or condition of being major or greater; superiority. Specifically: (a) The military rank of a major. (b) The condition of being of full age, or authorized by law to manage one's own affairs.

2. The greater number; more than half; as, a majority of mankind; a majority of the votes cast.

3. Etym: [Cf. L. majores.]

Defn: Ancestors; ancestry. [Obs.]

4. The amount or number by which one aggregate exceeds all other aggregates with which it is contrasted; especially, the number by which the votes for a successful candidate exceed those for all other candidates; as, he is elected by a majority of five hundred votes. See Plurality. To go over to, or To join, the majority, to die.

pl. Majorities.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 14, 2017 02:25:40 :
Majority -- Added.



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