How do I Say and Write
"Clock" in Portuguese?

Earth Fluent Portuguese Nouns - Objects, Part 52 Clock

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How do I Say "Clock" in Portuguese?

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How do I Write "Clock" in Portuguese?

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Pronunciation : Clock
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [AS. clucge bell; akin to D. klok clock, bell, G. glocke, Dan. klokke, Sw. klocka, Icel. klukka bell, LL. clocca, cloca (whence F. cloche); al perh. of Celtic origin; cf. Ir. & Gael. clog bell, clock, W. cloch bell. Cf. Cloak.]
Definition : 1. A machine for measuring time, indicating the hour and other divisions by means of hands moving on a dial plate. Its works are moved by a weight or a spring, and it is often so constructed as to tell the hour by the stroke of a hammer on a bell. It is not adapted, like the watch, to be carried on the person.

2. A watcg, esp. one that strikes. [Obs.] Walton.

3. The striking of a clock. [Obs.] Dryden.

4. A figure or figured work on the ankle or side of a stocking. Swift.

Note: The phrases what o'clock it is nine o'clock, etc., are contracted from what of the clock it is nine of the clock, etc. Alarm clock. See under Alarm. -- Astronomical clock. (a) A clock of superior construction, with a compensating pendulum, etc., to measure time with great accuracy, for use in astronomical observatories; -- called a regulator when used by watchmakers as a standard for regulating timepieces. (b) A clock with mechanism for indicating certain astronomical phenomena, as the phases of the moon, position of the sun in the ecliptic, equation of time, etc. -- Electric clock. (a) A clock moved or regulated by electricity or electro-magnetism. (b) A clock connected with an electro-magnetic recording apparatus. -- Ship's clock (Naut.), a clock arranged to strike from one to eight strokes, at half hourly intervals, marking the divisions of the ship's watches. -- Sidereal clock, an astronomical clock regulated to keep sidereal time.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Clock
Part of Speech : v.
Definition : Defn: To ornament with figured work, as the side of a stocking.

Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Clock
Part of Speech : v.
Definition : Defn: To call, as a hen. See Cluck. [R.]

t. & i.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Clock
Part of Speech : n.
Definition : Defn: A large beetle, esp. the European dung beetle (Scarab?us stercorarius).

Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 12, 2017 19:12:55 :
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