How do I Say and Write
"Remain" in Polish?

Earth Fluent Polish Verbs - General Activity, Part 6 Remain

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How do I Say "Remain" in Polish?

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"Remain" in Polish : Pozostawać

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Pronunciation : Re*main" (r-mn")
Part of Speech : v.
Etymology : [OF. remaindre, remanoir, L. remanere; pref. re- re- + manere to stay, remain. See Mansion, and cf. Remainder, Remnant.]
Definition : 1. To stay behind while others withdraw; to be left after others have been removed or destroyed; to be left after a number or quantity has been subtracted or cut off; to be left as not included or comprised. Gather up the fragments that remain. John vi. 12. Of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. 1 Cor. xv. 6. That . . . remains to be proved. Locke.

2. To continue unchanged in place, form, or condition, or undiminished in quantity; to abide; to stay; to endure; to last. Remain a widow at thy father's house. Gen. xxxviii. 11. Childless thou art; childless remain. Milton.

Syn. -- To continue; stay; wait; tarry; rest; sojourn; dwell; abide; last; endure.

i. [imp. & p. p. Remained (-mnd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Remaining.]
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Re*main"
Part of Speech : v.
Definition : Defn: To await; to be left to. [Archaic] The easier conquest now remains thee. Milton.

Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Re*main" n.
Definition : 1. State of remaining; stay. [Obs.] Which often, since my here remain in England, I 've seen him do. Shak.

2. That which is left; relic; remainder; -- chiefly in the plural. "The remains of old Rome." Addison. When this remain of horror has entirely subsided. Burke.

3. Specif., in the plural: (a) That which is left of a human being after the life is gone; relics; a dead body. Old warriors whose adored remains In weeping vaults her hallowed earth contains! Pope.

(b) The posthumous works or productions, esp. literary works, of one who is dead; as, Cecil's Remains.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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June 29, 2017 20:29:50 :
Remain -- Added.


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