How do I Say and Write
"Evidence" in Polish?

Earth Fluent Polish Nouns - Concepts, Part 9 Evidence

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How do I Say "Evidence" in Polish?

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How do I Write "Evidence" in Polish?

"Evidence" in Polish : Dowód

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Pronunciation : Ev"i*dence
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [F. ?vidence, L. Evidentia. See Evident.]
Definition : 1. That which makes evident or manifest; that which furnishes, or tends to furnish, proof; any mode of proof; the ground of belief or judgement; as, the evidence of our senses; evidence of the truth or falsehood of a statement. Faith is . . . the evidence of things not seen. Heb. xi. 1. O glorious trial of exceeding love Illustrious evidence, example high. Milton.

2. One who bears witness. [R.] "Infamous and perjured evidences." Sir W. Scott.

3. (Law)

Defn: That which is legally submitted to competent tribunal, as a means of ascertaining the truth of any alleged matter of fact under investigation before it; means of making proof; -- the latter, strictly speaking, not being synonymous with evidence, but rather the effect of it. Greenleaf. Circumstantial evidence, Conclusive evidence, etc. See under Circumstantial, Conclusive, etc. -- Crown's, King's, or Queen's evidence, evidence for the crown. [Eng.] -- State's evidence, evidence for the government or the people. [U. S. ] -- To turn King's, Queen's or State's evidence, to confess a crime and give evidence against one's accomplices.

Syn. -- Testimony; proof. See Tesimony.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Ev"i*dence, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Evidenced; p
Part of Speech : pr.
Definition : Defn: To render evident or clear; to prove; to evince; as, to evidence a fact, or the guilt of an offender. Milton.

& vb. n. Evidencing.]
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 11, 2017 15:16:34 :
Evidence -- Added.



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