How do I Say and Write
"Warm" in Korean?

Earth Fluent Korean Adjectives - Feeling, Part 4 Warm

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How do I Say "Warm" in Korean?

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"Warm" in Korean : 따뜻한

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Pronunciation : Warm
Part of Speech : a.
Etymology : [AS. wearm; akin to OS., OFries., D., & G. warm, Icel. varmr, Sw. & Dan. varm, Goth. warmjan to warm; probably akin to Lith. virti to cook, boil; or perhaps to Skr. gharma heat, OL. formus warm.
Definition : 1. Having heat in a moderate degree; not cold as, warm milk. "Whose blood is warm within." Shak. Warm and still is the summer night. Longfellow.

2. Having a sensation of heat, esp. of gentle heat; glowing.

3. Subject to heat; having prevalence of heat, or little or no cold weather; as, the warm climate of Egypt.

4. Fig.: Not cool, indifferent, lukewarm, or the like, in spirit or temper; zealous; ardent; fervent; excited; sprightly; irritable; excitable. Mirth, and youth, and warm desire! Milton. Each warm wish springs mutual from the heart. Pope. They say he's warm man and does not care to be madAddison. I had been none of the warmest of partisans. Hawthor

5. Violent; vehement; furious; excited; passionate; as, a warm contest; a warm debate. Welcome, daylight; we shall have warm work on't. Dryden.

6. Being well off as to property, or in good circumstances; forehanded; rich. [Colloq.] Warm householders, every one of them. W. Irving. You shall have a draft upon him, payable at sight: and let me tell you he as warm a man as any within five miles round him. Goldsmith.

7. In children's games, being near the object sought for; hence, being close to the discovery of some person, thing, or fact concealed. [Colloq.] Here, indeed, young Mr. Dowse was getting "warm," Black.

8. (Paint.)

Defn: Having yellow or red for a basis, or in their composition; -- said of colors, and opposed to cold which is of blue and its compounds.

Syn. -- Ardent; zealous; fervent; glowing; enthusiastic; cordial; keen; violent; furious; hot.

[Compar. Warmer; superl. Warmest.]
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Warm
Part of Speech : v.
Etymology : [AS. wearmian. See Warm, a.]
Definition : 1. To communicate a moderate degree of heat to; to render warm; to supply or furnish heat to; as, a stove warms an apartment. Then shall it [an ash tree] be for a man to burn; for he will take thereof and warm himself. Isa. xliv 15 Enough to warm, but not enough to burn. Longfellow.

2. To make engaged or earnest; to interest; to engage; to excite ardor or zeal; to enliven. I formerly warmed my head with reading controversial writings. Pope. Bright hopes, that erst bosom warmed. Keble.

t. [imp. & p. p. Warmed (; p. pr. & vb. n. Warming.]
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Warm
Part of Speech : v.
Etymology : [AS. wearmian.]
Definition : 1. To become warm, or moderately heated; as, the earth soon warms in a clear day summer. There shall not be a coal to warm at. Isa. xlvii. 14.

2. To become ardent or animated; as, the speakewarms as he proceeds.

Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Warm
Part of Speech : n.
Definition : Defn: The act of warming, or the state of being warmed; a warming; a heating. [Colloq.] Dickens.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 15, 2017 16:53:07 :
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