How do I Say and Write
"Quote" in Japanese?

Earth Fluent Japanese Verbs - Social Activity, Part 22 Quote

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How do I Say "Quote" in Japanese?

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How do I Write "Quote" in Japanese?

"Quote" in Japanese : 見積もり

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Pronunciation : Quote
Part of Speech : v.
Etymology : [OF. quoter, F. coter to letter, number, to quote, LL. quotare to divide into chapters and verses, fr. L. quotus. See Quota.] [Formerly written also cote.]
Definition : 1. To cite, as a passage from some author; to name, repeat, or adduce, as a passage from an author or speaker, by way of authority or illustration; as, to quote a passage from Homer.

2. To cite a passage from; to name as the authority for a statement or an opinion; as, to quote Shakespeare.

3. (Com.)

Defn: To name the current price of.

4. To notice; to observe; to examine. [Obs.] Shak.

5. To set down, as in writing. [Obs.] "He's quoted for a most perfidious slave." Shak.

Syn. -- To cite; name; adduce; repeat. Quote, Cite. To cite was originally to call into court as a witness, etc., and hence denotes bringing forward any thing or person as evidence. Quote usually signifies to reproduce another's words; it is also used to indicate an appeal to some one as an authority, without adducing his exact words.

t. [imp. & p. p. Quoted; p. pr. & vb. n. Quoting.]
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Quote
Part of Speech : n.
Definition : Defn: A note upon an author. [Obs.] Cotgrave.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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June 27, 2017 19:17:54 :
Quote -- Added.


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