How do I Say and Write
"Concession" in Japanese?

Earth Fluent Japanese Nouns - Society, Part 106 Concession

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How do I Say "Concession" in Japanese?

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How do I Write "Concession" in Japanese?

"Concession" in Japanese : 租界

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Pronunciation : Con*ces"sion
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [L. concessio, fr. concedere: cf. F. concession. See Concede.]
Definition : 1. The act of conceding or yielding; usually implying a demand, claim, or request, and thus distinguished from giving, which is voluntary or spontaneous. By mutual concession the business was adjusted. Hallam.

2. A thing yielded; an acknowledgment or admission; a boon; a grant; esp. a grant by government of a privilege or right to do something; as, a concession to build a canal. This is therefore a concession , that he doth . . . believe the Scriptures to be sufficiently plain. Sharp. When a lover becomes satisfied by small compliances without further pursuits, then expect to find popular assemblies content with small concessions. Swift.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 07, 2017 23:00:51 :
Concession -- Added.



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