How do I Say and Write
"Movement" in Japanese?

Earth Fluent Japanese Nouns - Concepts, Part 11 Movement

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How do I Say "Movement" in Japanese?

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How do I Write "Movement" in Japanese?

"Movement" in Japanese : 移動

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Pronunciation : Move"ment
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [F. mouvement. See Move, and cf. Moment.]
Definition : 1. The act of moving; change of place or posture; transference, by any means, from one situation to another; natural or appropriate motion; progress; advancement; as, the movement of an army in marching or maneuvering; the movement of a wheel or a machine; the party of movement.

2. Motion of the mind or feelings; emotion.

3. Manner or style of moving; as, a slow, or quick, or sudden, movement.

4. (Mus.) (a) The rhythmical progression, pace, and tempo of a piece. "Any change of time is a change of movement." Busby. (b) One of the several strains or pieces, each complete in itself, with its own time and rhythm, which make up a larger work; as, the several movements of a suite or a symphony.

5. (Mech.)

Defn: A system of mechanism for transmitting motion of a definite character, or for transforming motion; as, the wheelwork of a watch. Febrille movement (Med.), an elevation of the body temperature; a fever. -- Movement cure. (Med.) See Kinesiatrics. -- Movement of the bowels, an evacuation or stool; a passage or discharge.

Syn. -- Motion. -- Movement, Motion. Motion expresses a general idea of not being at rest; movement is oftener used to express a definite, regulated motion, esp. a progress.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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Words Covered : Movement, chance, application, detail.


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July 07, 2017 08:09:29 :
Movement -- Added.



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