How do I Say and Write
"Detail" in Japanese?

Earth Fluent Japanese Nouns - Concepts, Part 11 Detail

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How do I Say "Detail" in Japanese?

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How do I Write "Detail" in Japanese?

"Detail" in Japanese : 詳細

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Pronunciation : De"tail
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [F. d?tail, fr. d?tailler to cut in pieces, tell in detail; pref. d?- (L. de or dis-) + tailler to cut. See Tailor.]
Definition : 1. A minute portion; one of the small parts; a particular; an item; - - used chiefly in the plural; as, the details of a scheme or transaction. The details of the campaign in Italy. Motley.

2. A narrative which relates minute points; an account which dwells on particulars.

3. (Mil.)

Defn: The selection for a particular service of a person or a body of men; hence, the person or the body of men so selected. Detail drawing, a drawing of the full size, or on a large scale, of some part of a building, machine, etc. -- In detail, in subdivisions; part by part; item; circumstantially; with particularity.

Syn. -- Account; relation; narrative; recital; explanation; narration.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : De"tail
Part of Speech : v.
Etymology : [Cf. F. d?tailler to cut up in pieces, tell in detail. See Detail, n.]
Definition : 1. To relate in particulars; to particularize; to report minutely and distinctly; to enumerate; to specify; as, he detailed all the facts in due order.

2. (Mil.)

Defn: To tell off or appoint for a particular service, as an officer, a troop, or a squadron.

Syn. -- Detail, Detach. Detail respect the act of individualizing the person or body that is separated; detach, the removing for the given end or object.

t. [imp. & p. p. Detailed; p. pr. & vb. n. Detailing.]
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 07, 2017 08:10:02 :
Detail -- Added.



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