How do I Say and Write
"Reading" in Italian?

Earth Fluent Italian Nouns - Society, Part 49 Reading

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How do I Say "Reading" in Italian?

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How do I Write "Reading" in Italian?

"Reading" in Italian : Lettura

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Pronunciation : Read"ing
Part of Speech : n.
Definition : 1. The act of one who reads; perusal; also, printed or written matter to be read.

2. Study of books; literary scholarship; as, a man of extensive reading.

3. A lecture or prelection; public recital. The Jews had their weekly readings of the law. Hooker.

4. The way in which anything reads; force of a word or passage presented by a documentary authority; lection; version.

5. Manner of reciting, or acting a part, on the stage; way of rendering. [Cant]

6. An observation read from the scale of a graduated instrument; as, the reading of a barometer. Reading of a bill (Legislation), its normal recital, by the proper officer, before the House which is to consider it.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Read"ing
Part of Speech : a.
Definition : 1. Of or pertaining to the act of reading; used in reading.

2. Addicted to reading; as, a reading community. Reading book, a book for teaching reading; a reader. -- Reading desk, a desk to support a book while reading; esp., a desk used while reading the service in a church. -- Reading glass, a large lens with more or less magnifying power, attached to a handle, and used in reading, etc. -- Reading man, one who reads much; hence, in the English universities, a close, industrious student. -- Reading room, a room appropriated to reading; a room provided with papers, periodicals, and the like, to which persons resort.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 04, 2017 21:44:50 :
Reading -- Added.



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