How do I Say and Write
"Professor" in Italian?

Earth Fluent Italian Nouns - People, Part 30 Professor

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How do I Say "Professor" in Italian?

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How do I Write "Professor" in Italian?

"Professor" in Italian : Professore

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Pronunciation : Pro*fess"or
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [L., a teacher, a public teacher: cf. F. professeur. See Profess.]
Definition : 1. One who professed, or makes open declaration of, his sentiments or opinions; especially, one who makes a public avowal of his belief in the Scriptures and his faith in Christ, and thus unites himself to the visible church. "Professors of religion." Bacon.

2. One who professed, or publicly teaches, any science or branch of learning; especially, an officer in a university, college, or other seminary, whose business it is to read lectures, or instruct students, in a particular branch of learning; as a professor of theology, of botany, of mathematics, or of political economy.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 04, 2017 17:09:32 :
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