How do I Say and Write
"Lowly" in Italian?

Earth Fluent Italian Adjectives - Social, Part 24 Lowly

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How do I Say "Lowly" in Italian?

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How do I Write "Lowly" in Italian?

"Lowly" in Italian : Umile

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Pronunciation : Low"ly
Part of Speech : a.
Etymology : [Low, a. + - ly.]
Definition : 1. Not high; not elevated in place; low. "Lowly lands." Dryden.

2. Low in rank or social importance. One common right the great and lowly claims. Pope.

3. Not lofty or sublime; humble. These rural poems, and their lowly strain. Dryden.

4. Having a low esteem of one's own worth; humble; meek; free from pride. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart. Matt. xi. 29.

[Compar. Lowlier; superl. Lowliest.]
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Low"ly
Part of Speech : adv.
Definition : 1. In a low manner; humbly; meekly; modestly. "Be lowly wise." Milton.

2. In a low condition; meanly. I will show myself highly fed, and lowly taught. Shak.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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Words Covered : Lowly, tame, trendy, needy.

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July 05, 2017 12:08:27 :
Lowly -- Added.



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