How do I Say and Write
"Publication" in Hindi?

Earth Fluent Hindi Nouns - Objects, Part 28 Publication

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How do I Say "Publication" in Hindi?

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How do I Write "Publication" in Hindi?

"Publication" in Hindi : प्रकाशन

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Pronunciation : Pub`li*ca"tion
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [L. publicatio confiscation: cf. F. publication. See Publish.]
Definition : 1. The act of publishing or making known; notification to the people at large, either by words, writing, or printing; proclamation; divulgation; promulgation; as, the publication of the law at Mount Sinai; the publication of the gospel; the publication of statutes or edicts.

2. The act of offering a book, pamphlet, engraving, etc., to the public by sale or by gratuitous distribution. The publication of these papers was not owing to our folly, but that of others. Swift.

3. That which is published or made known; especially, any book, pamphlet, etc., offered for sale or to public notice; as, a daily or monthly publication.

4. An act done in public. [R. & Obs.] His jealousy . . . attends the business, the recreations, the publications, and retirements of every man. Jer. Taylor. Publication of a libel (Law), such an exhibition of a libel as brings it to the notice of at least one person other than the person libeled. -- Publication of a will (Law), the delivery of a will, as his own, by a testator to witnesses who attest it.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 09, 2017 15:36:21 :
Publication -- Added.



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