How do I Say and Write
"Wedding" in German?

Earth Fluent German Nouns - Society, Part 72 Wedding

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How do I Say "Wedding" in German?

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How do I Write "Wedding" in German?

"Wedding" in German : Hochzeit

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Pronunciation : Wed"ding
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [AS. wedding.]
Definition : Defn: Nuptial ceremony; nuptial festivities; marriage; nuptials. Simple and brief was the wedding, as that of Ruth and of Boaz. Longfellow.

Note: Certain anniversaries of an unbroken marriage have received fanciful, and more or less appropriate, names. Thus, the fifth anniversary is called the wooden wedding; the tenth, the tin wedding; the fifteenth, the crystal wedding; the twentieth, the china wedding; the twenty-fifth, the silver wedding; the fiftieth, the golden wedding; the sixtieth, the diamond wedding. These anniversaries are often celebrated by appropriate presents of wood, tin, china, silver, gold, etc., given by friends.

Note: Wedding is often used adjectively; as, wedding cake, wedding cards, wedding clothes, wedding day, wedding feast, wedding guest, wedding ring, etc. Let her beauty be her wedding dower. Shak. Wedding favor, a marriage favor. See under Marriage.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 06, 2017 04:24:07 :
Wedding -- Added.


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