How do I Say and Write
"Incident" in French?

Earth Fluent French Nouns - Concepts, Part 39 Incident

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How do I Write "Incident" in French?

"Incident" in French : Incident

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Pronunciation : In"ci*dent
Part of Speech : a.
Etymology : [L. incidens, -entis, p. pr. & of incidere to fall into or upon; pref. in- in, on + cadere to fall: cf. F. incident. See Cadence.]
Definition : 1. Falling or striking upon, as a ray of light upon a reflecting surface.

2. Coming or happening accidentally; not in the usual course of things; not in connection with the main design; not according to expectation; casual; fortuitous. As the ordinary course of common affairs is disposed of by general laws, so likewise men's rarer incident necessities and utilities should be with special equity considered. Hooker.

3. Liable to happen; apt to occur; befalling; hence, naturally happening or appertaining. All chances incident to man's frail life. Milton. The studies incident to his profession. Milward.

4. (Law)

Defn: Dependent upon, or appertaining to, another thing, called the principal. Incident proposition (Logic), a proposition subordinate to another, and introduced by who, which, whose, whom, etc.; as, Julius, whose surname was C?sar, overcame Pompey. I. Watts.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : In"ci*dent
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [Cf. F. incident.]
Definition : 1. That which falls out or takes place; an event; casualty; occurrence.

2. That which happens aside from the main design; an accidental or subordinate action or event. No person, no incident, in a play but must be of use to carry on the main design. Dryden.

3. (Law)

Defn: Something appertaining to, passing with, or depending on, another, called the principal. Tomlins.

Syn. -- Circumstance; event; fact; adventure; contingency; chance; accident; casualty. See Event.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 02, 2017 19:01:44 :
Incident -- Added.



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