How do I Say and Write
"Conviction" in Dutch?

Earth Fluent Dutch Nouns - Society, Part 81 Conviction

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How do I Say "Conviction" in Dutch?

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"Conviction" in Dutch : Overtuiging

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Pronunciation : Con*vic"tion
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [L. convictio proof: cf. F. conviction conviction (in sense 3 & 4). See Convict, Convince.]
Definition : 1. The act of convicting; the act of proving, finding, or adjudging, guilty of an offense. The greater certainty of conviction and the greater certainty of punishment. Hallam.

2. (Law)

Defn: A judgment of condemnation entered by a court having jurisdiction; the act or process of finding guilty, or the state of being found guilty of any crime by a legal tribunal. Conviction may accrue two ways. Blackstone.

3. The act of convincing of error, or of compelling the admission of a truth; confutation. For all his tedious talk is but vain boast, Or subtle shifts conviction to evade. Milton.

4. The state of being convinced or convicted; strong persuasion or belief; especially, the state of being convicted of sin, or by one's conscience. To call good evil, and evil good, against the conviction of their own consciences. Swift. And did you presently fall under the power of this conviction Bunyan.

Syn. -- Conviction; persuasion. -- Conviction respects soley matters of belief or faith; persuasion respects matters of belief or practice. Conviction respects our most important duties; persuasion is frequently applied to matters of indifference. Crabb. -- Conviction is the result of the [operation of the] understanding; persuasion, of the will. Conviction is a necessity of the mind, persuasion an acquiescence of the inclination. C. J. Smith. -- Persuasion often induces men to act in opposition to their conviction of duty.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 11, 2017 02:12:11 :
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