How do I Say and Write
"Twin" in Chinese?

Earth Fluent Chinese Nouns - People, Part 57 Twin

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How do I Say "Twin" in Chinese?

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How do I Write "Twin" in Chinese?

"Twin" in Chinese : 双胞胎

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Pronunciation : Twin
Part of Speech : a.
Etymology : [OE. twin double, AS. getwinne two and two, pl., twins; akin to D. tweeling a twin, G. zwilling, OHG. zwiniling, Icel. tvennr, tvinnr, two and two, twin, and to AS. twi- two. See Twice, Two.]
Definition : 1. Being one of two born at a birth; as, a twin brother or sister.

2. Being one of a pair much resembling one another; standing the relation of a twin to something else; -- often followed by to or with. Shak.

3. (Bot.)

Defn: Double; consisting of two similar and corresponding parts.

4. (Crystallog.)

Defn: Composed of parts united according to some definite law of twinning. See Twin, n., 4. Twin boat, or Twin ship (Naut.), a vessel whose deck and upper works rest on two parallel hulls. -- Twin crystal. See Twin, n., 4. -- Twin flower (Bot.), a delicate evergreen plant (Linn?a borealis) of northern climates, which has pretty, fragrant, pendulous flowers borne in pairs on a slender stalk. -- Twin-screw steamer, a steam vessel propelled by two screws, one on either side of the plane of the keel.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Twin
Part of Speech : n.
Definition : 1. One of two produced at a birth, especially by an animal that ordinarily brings forth but one at a birth; -- used chiefly in the plural, and applied to the young of beasts as well as to human young.

2. pl. (Astron.)

Defn: A sign and constellation of the zodiac; Gemini. See Gemini.

3. A person or thing that closely resembles another.

4. (Crystallog.)

Defn: A compound crystal composed of two or more crystals, or parts of crystals, in reversed position with reference to each other.

Note: The relative position of the parts of a twin may be explained by supposing one part to be revolved 180? about a certain axis (called the twinning axis), this axis being normal to a plane (called the twinning plane) which is usually one of the fundamental planes of the crystal. This revolution brings the two parts into parallel position, or vice versa. A contact twin is one in which the parts are united by a plane surface, called the composition face, which is usually the same as the twinning plane. A penetration twin is one in which the parts interpenetrate each other, often very irregularly. Twins are also called, according to form, cruciform, geniculated, etc.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Twin
Part of Speech : v.
Definition : 1. To bring forth twins. Tusser.

2. To be born at the same birth. Shak.

i. [imp. & p. p. Twinned; p. pr. & vb. n. Twinning.]
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Twin
Part of Speech : v.
Definition : 1. To cause to be twins, or like twins in any way. Shak. Still we moved Together, twinned, as horse's ear and eye. Tennyson.

2. To separate into two parts; to part; to divide; hence, to remove; also, to strip; to rob. [Obs.] The life out of her body for to twin. Chaucer.

Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Twin
Part of Speech : v.
Definition : Defn: To depart from a place or thing. [Obs.] "Ere that we farther twin." Chaucer.

Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 08, 2017 22:57:58 :
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