How do I Say and Write
"System" in Chinese?

Earth Fluent Chinese Nouns - Ideas, Part 1 System

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How do I Say "System" in Chinese?

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How do I Write "System" in Chinese?

"System" in Chinese : 系统

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Pronunciation : Sys"tem
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [L. systema, Gr. syst?me. See Stand.]
Definition : 1. An assemblage of objects arranged in regular subordination, or after some distinct method, usually logical or scientific; a complete whole of objects related by some common law, principle, or end; a complete exhibition of essential principles or facts, arranged in a rational dependence or connection; a regular union of principles or parts forming one entire thing; as, a system of philosophy; a system of government; a system of divinity; a system of botany or chemistry; a military system; the solar system. The best way to learn any science, is to begin with a regular system, or a short and plain scheme of that science well drawn up into a narrow compass. I. Watts.

2. Hence, the whole scheme of created things regarded as forming one complete plan of whole; the universe. "The great system of the world." Boyle.

3. Regular method or order; formal arrangement; plan; as, to have a system in one's business.

4. (Mus.)

Defn: The collection of staves which form a full score. See Score, n.

5. (Biol.)

Defn: An assemblage of parts or organs, either in animal or plant, essential to the performance of some particular function or functions which as a rule are of greater complexity than those manifested by a single organ; as, the capillary system, the muscular system, the digestive system, etc.; hence, the whole body as a functional unity.

6. (Zo?l.)

Defn: One of the stellate or irregular clusters of intimately united zooids which are imbedded in, or scattered over, the surface of the common tissue of many compound ascidians. Block system, Conservative system, etc. See under Block, Conservative, etc.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 09, 2017 05:44:26 :
System -- Added.



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