How do I Say and Write
"Naughty" in Chinese?

Earth Fluent Chinese Adjectives - Social, Part 17 Naughty

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How do I Say "Naughty" in Chinese?

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How do I Write "Naughty" in Chinese?

"Naughty" in Chinese : 淘气

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Pronunciation : Naugh"ty
Part of Speech : a.
Definition : 1. Having little or nothing. [Obs.] [Men] that needy be and naughty, help them with thy goods. Piers Plowman.

2. Worthless; bad; good for nothing. [Obs.] The other basket had very naughty figs. Jer. xxiv. 2.

3. hence, corrupt; wicked. [Archaic] So shines a good deed in a naughty world. Shak.

4. Mischievous; perverse; froward; guilty of disobedient or improper conduct; as, a naughty child.

Note: This word is now seldom used except in the latter sense, as applied to children, or in sportive censure.

[Compar. Naughtier; superl. Naughtiest.]
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 09, 2017 16:17:35 :
Naughty -- Added.



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