How do I Say and Write
"Toilet" in Polish?

Earth Fluent Polish Nouns - Objects, Part 77 Toilet

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How do I Say "Toilet" in Polish?

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How do I Write "Toilet" in Polish?

"Toilet" in Polish : Toaleta

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Pronunciation : Toi"let
Part of Speech : n.
Etymology : [F. toilette, dim. of toile cloth. See Toil a net.]
Definition : 1. A covering of linen, silk, or tapestry, spread over a table in a chamber or a dressing room.

2. A dressing table. Pope.

3. Act or mode of dressing, or that which is arranged in dressing; attire; dress; as, her toilet is perfect. [Written also toilette.] Toilet glass, a looking-glass for a toilet table or for a dressing room. -- Toilet service, Toilet set, earthenware, glass, and other utensils for a dressing room. -- Toilet table, a dressing table; a toilet. See def. 2 above. -- To snake one's toilet, to dress one's self; especially, to dress one's self carefully.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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July 12, 2017 18:50:05 :
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