How do I Say and Write
"German" in German?

Earth Fluent German Culture - Ethnicities, Part 7 German

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How do I Say "German" in German?

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How do I Write "German" in German?

"German" in German : Deutsche

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Pronunciation : Ger"man
Part of Speech : a.
Etymology : [OE. german, germain, F. germain, fr. L. germanus full, own (said of brothers and sisters who have the same parents); akin to germen germ. Cf. Germ, Germane.]
Definition : Defn: Nearly related; closely akin. Wert thou a leopard, thou wert german to the lion. Shak. Brother german. See Brother german. -- Cousins german. See the Note under Cousin.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Ger"man
Part of Speech : n.;
Etymology : [L. Germanus, prob. of Celtis origin.]
Definition : 1. A native or one of the people of Germany.

2. The German language.

pl. Germans
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913

Pronunciation : Ger"man
Part of Speech : a.
Etymology : [L. Germanus. See German, n.]
Definition : Defn: Of or pertaining to Germany. German Baptists. See Dunker. -- German bit, a wood-boring tool, having a long elliptical pod and a scew point. -- German carp (Zo?l.), the crucian carp. -- German millet (Bot.), a kind of millet (Setaria Italica, var.), whose seed is sometimes used for food. -- German paste, a prepared food for caged birds. -- German process (Metal.), the process of reducing copper ore in a blast furnace, after roasting, if necessary. Raymond. -- German sarsaparilla, a substitute for sarsaparilla extract. -- German sausage, a polony, or gut stuffed with meat partly cooked. -- German silver (Chem.), a silver-white alloy, hard and tough, but malleable and ductile, and quite permanent in the air. It contains nickel, copper, and zinc in varying proportions, and was originally made from old copper slag at Henneberg. A small amount of iron is sometimes added to make it whiter and harder. It is essentially identical with the Chinese alloy packfong. It was formerly much used for tableware, knife handles, frames, cases, bearings of machinery, etc., but is now largely superseded by other white alloys. -- German steel (Metal.), a metal made from bog iron ore in a forge, with charcoal for fuel. -- German text (Typog.), a character resembling modern German type, used in English printing for ornamental headings, etc., as in the words,

Note: This line is German Text. -- German tinder. See Amadou.
Source : Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913



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September 02, 2017 17:08:31 :
German -- Added.



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